Janet Finch-Saunders, Member of the Welsh Parliament for Aberconwy, has spoken out against the revelation by Conwy County Borough Council that they need to spend £50,000 on new administrative staff to manage increasing Council Tax premiums.
In a report prepared for the Finance and Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting on 7/10/24, a recommendation was made that:
“In the event that Premiums are increased from April 2025, Council approve the allocation of £50,000 from the premium income to support the administration of the premium as set out in paragraph 3.21.”
Paragraph 3.21 states:
“Significant resource is required within the Council Tax team to deal with the increased volume and complexity of correspondence received in relation to the premium as well as the identification of homes where a premium should be applied but isn’t. This is diverting senior resource from the management and collection of Council Tax and therefore any increase in premium will require a budget allocation of approximately £50,000 per annum specifically to deal with premiums, funded out of the additional premium income”.
Commenting on the pressure caused to Conwy County Borough Council by the council tax premiums, Janet said:
“At a time when the Local Authority is facing around a £23m black hole, it is complete madness to be allowing significant resource to be spent on employing extra administrative staff in the Council Tax department.
“Even more financially irresponsible is the idea that even more significant resource, £50,000, should be invested in the endeavour.
“The reality is that the housing crisis is only going to be addressed if more affordable and social homes are built in the County. Targeting second home owners is a waste of time and money. In fact it is part of the Welsh Government false façade that they are doing something to try and create more homes”.
Mae Janet Finch-Saunders, Aelod o’r Senedd dros Aberconwy, wedi mynegi pryder ar ôl i Gyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Conwy ddatgelu bod angen iddyn nhw wario £50,000 ar staff gweinyddol newydd i reoli premiymau cynyddol y Dreth Gyngor.
Mewn adroddiad a baratowyd ar gyfer cyfarfod y Pwyllgor Trosolwg a Chraffu Cyllid ac Adnoddau ar 7/10/24, gwnaed yr argymhelliad:
"Os bydd Premiymau yn cynyddu o fis Ebrill 2025, mae'r Cyngor yn cymeradwyo dyrannu £50,000 o'r incwm premiwm i gefnogi gweinyddu'r premiwm fel y nodir ym mharagraff 3.21."
Mae paragraff 3.21 yn nodi:
"Mae angen adnoddau sylweddol o fewn tîm Treth y Cyngor i ddelio â’r cynnydd yn swm a chymhlethdod yr ohebiaeth a dderbyniwyd mewn perthynas â'r premiwm yn ogystal â nodi cartrefi lle y dylid codi premiwm ond nad yw'n cael ei wneud. Mae hyn yn dargyfeirio adnoddau uwch oddi wrth reoli a chasglu Treth y Cyngor ac felly bydd unrhyw gynnydd mewn premiwm yn gofyn am ddyraniad cyllideb o oddeutu £50,000 y flwyddyn yn benodol i ddelio â phremiymau, wedi'i ariannu o'r incwm premiwm ychwanegol".
Wrth sôn am y pwysau y mae premiymau’r dreth gyngor wedi ei roi ar Gyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Conwy, dywedodd Janet:
"Ar adeg pan fo'r Awdurdod Lleol yn wynebu twll du gwerth tua £23m, gwallgofrwydd llwyr yw caniatáu i adnoddau sylweddol gael eu gwario ar gyflogi staff gweinyddol ychwanegol yn adran y Dreth Gyngor.
"Hyd yn oed yn fwy anghyfrifol yn ariannol yw'r syniad y dylid buddsoddi hyd yn oed mwy o adnoddau sylweddol, £50,000, yn yr ymdrech.
"Y gwir amdani yw mai’r unig ffordd o ddatrys yr argyfwng tai yw adeiladu mwy o dai fforddiadwy a chymdeithasol yn y Sir. Mae targedu perchnogion ail gartrefi yn wastraff amser ac arian. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn rhoi’r argraff eu bod yn gwneud rhywbeth i geisio creu mwy o gartrefi ond dydyn nhw ddim mewn gwirionedd.”