Having raised concern that nappy collections are being missed, Conwy County Borough Council has advised that they are “experience significant pressures”.
Responding to a letter from Janet Finch-Saunders MS, the Local Authority stated:
“I am afraid we can only provide limited assurance on the nappy collection service. As your constituent was advised we continue to experience significant pressures with delivering this part of the service due to availability of staff and collection vehicle issues. Staffing these rounds is becoming more and more challenging. Following recruitment and training and learning the collection rounds, staff quickly move on so we are in an ongoing cycle of trying to establish consistent collections which inevitably means the service is not in the position we want it to be in.”
Nappy and incontinence products collections are supposed to be weekly.
Commenting on the situation, Janet said:
“I know of situations where there are a few weeks’ worth of nappies in containers awaiting collections. For example, one resident has mentioned a build-up of 21 nappies in the bin!
“Others are reporting to me that there is a stench coming from the containers, which is made worse by the missed collections and prolonged collection times.
“Whilst I appreciate the explanation provided by the Local Authority, serious questions need to be answered as to why there are staffing problems, and alternative solutions put in place.
“Leaving nappies for weeks on end is not acceptable nor hygienic”.
Ar ôl mynegi pryder bod casgliadau cewynnau yn cael eu methu, mae Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Conwy wedi dweud eu bod “dan bwysau sylweddol".
Wrth ymateb i lythyr gan Janet Finch-Saunders AS, dywedodd yr Awdurdod Lleol:
"Yn anffodus, ni allwn roi sicrwydd pendant i bobl am y gwasanaeth casglu cewynnau. Fel y dywedwyd wrth eich etholwr, rydyn ni’n dal i brofi pwysau sylweddol wrth ddarparu'r rhan hon o'r gwasanaeth yn sgil argaeledd staff a phroblemau gyda cherbydau casglu. Mae staffio'r rowndiau hyn yn fwyfwy heriol. Yn sgil recriwtio a hyfforddi a dysgu'r rowndiau casglu, mae staff yn symud ymlaen yn gyflym felly rydyn ni’n wynebu cylch parhaus o geisio sefydlu casgliadau cyson sydd, yn anochel, yn golygu nad yw'r gwasanaeth yn y sefyllfa rydyn ni am iddo fod ynddi."
Mae casgliadau cynhyrchion cewynnau ac anymataliaeth i fod digwydd bob wythnos.
Wrth sôn am y sefyllfa, dywedodd Janet:
"Rwy'n gwybod am sefyllfaoedd lle mae gwerth wythnosau o gewynnau mewn cynwysyddion sy'n aros i gael eu casglu. Er enghraifft, mae un preswylydd wedi sôn am groniad o 21 o gewynnau yn y bin!
"Mae eraill yn dweud bod y cynwysyddion yn drewi, sy'n cael ei waethygu gan y diffyg casgliadau a'r amseroedd casglu estynedig.
"Er fy mod yn gwerthfawrogi'r esboniad a roddwyd gan yr Awdurdod Lleol, mae angen ateb cwestiynau difrifol ynghylch pam fod yna broblemau staffio, gan sicrhau bod datrysiadau amgen yn cael eu rhoi ar waith.
"Dyw gadael cewynnau am wythnosau ddim yn dderbyniol nac yn hylan".