Janet Finch-Saunders MS has welcomed breakthroughs towards improving air quality in cities.
The Member of the Welsh Parliament for Aberconwy praised the work of a German company in devising a wide array of innovative products to reduce air pollution in cities.
In March 2014, Green City Solutions GmbH was founded in Dresden by a young team of experts from horticulture & biology, computer science, architecture and mechanical engineering.
The Member has also raised the need for the Welsh Government to do more to utilise green technology to improve air quality in cities and towns across Wales.
Speaking today, Janet said:
“I would like to congratulate the founders of Greencity Solutions for all the impressive work that they have achieved so far.
“Their products, ranging from air-purifying moss to intelligent irrigation and ventilation, could truly transform our cities and the quality of the air that we breathe.
“The Welsh Government needs to take notice of these developments in green technology across Europe, and I have submitted a Written Question to the Minister for Climate Change asking why the Welsh Government isn’t making better use of such innovative green business ideas.
“Only by harnessing the latest technology, and the talents of both private and public sectors, can we truly achieve our environmental goals”.
Mae Janet Finch-Saunders AS wedi croesawu datblygiadau arloesol tuag at wella ansawdd aer mewn dinasoedd.
Fe wnaeth AS Aberconwy ganmol gwaith cwmni o'r Almaen yn dyfeisio amrywiaeth eang o gynnyrch arloesol i leihau llygredd aer mewn dinasoedd.
Ym mis Mawrth 2014, sefydlwyd Green City Solutions GmbH yn Dresden gan dîm ifanc o arbenigwyr ym meysydd garddwriaeth a bioleg, cyfrifiadureg, pensaernïaeth a pheirianneg fecanyddol.
Mae'r Aelod o'r Senedd hefyd wedi codi'r angen i Lywodraeth Cymru wneud mwy i ddefnyddio technoleg werdd i wella ansawdd aer mewn trefi a dinasoedd ledled ein gwlad.
Wrth siarad heddiw, dywedodd Janet:
“Hoffwn longyfarch sylfaenwyr Greencity Solutions am yr holl waith arbennig maen nhw wedi'i gyflawni hyd yma.
“Gallai eu cynhyrchion, sy'n amrywio o fwsogl sy'n puro'r aer i systemau dyfrio ac awyru deallus, wir drawsnewid ein dinasoedd ac ansawdd yr aer rydyn ni'n ei anadlu.
“Mae angen i Lywodraeth Cymru gymryd sylw o'r datblygiadau hyn mewn technoleg werdd ledled Ewrop, a dwi wedi cyflwyno Cwestiwn Ysgrifenedig i'r Gweinidog Newid Hinsawdd yn gofyn pam nad yw Llywodraeth Cymru yn gwneud defnydd gwell o syniadau busnes gwyrdd mor arloesol.
“Dim ond drwy fanteisio ar y dechnoleg ddiweddaraf, a thalentau sectorau preifat a chyhoeddus, y gallwn ni wir gyflawni ein nodau amgylcheddol”.