Following the terrible news that an independent Llandudno jewellers – Gregory’s – was held up by armed robbers this week, the Assembly Member for Aberconwy has renewed calls to support small businesses in the run up to Christmas, this weekend.
Saturday 3rd December 2016 will be the fourth annual Small Business Saturday held across the UK.
With her constituency boasting the town of Conwy - of which 92.5% of the shops are independent – Janet Finch-Saunders AM has spoken of her support for this initiative, and called on her constituents to rally to support local businesses.
Small Business Saturday UK aims to encourage consumers to ‘shop local’ and support small businesses in their communities. The day takes place on the first Saturday in December each year, but the campaign has pledged its aim to have a lasting impact on small businesses.
Small Business Saturday is entering its fourth year and organisers say it is gathering momentum. Its research suggests consumers spent 24% more with small businesses on the dedicated shopping day in 2015 compared to the previous year, and 46% of those surveyed said they “shopped small” specifically because it was Small Business Saturday.
Janet said:
“I was shocked to learn of this callous attack on a long-standing family run business in Llandudno. Small businesses are the lifeblood of the Conwy economy – from independent retailers, to tourism attractions, services, taxis, cleaners…and so many more.
“Research suggests that consumers spend 24% more with small businesses on this day, with 46% of shoppers heading out specifically because it is Small Business Saturday.
“I certainly hope to see these figures replicated and even boosted this year, and call on all those looking to do their Christmas shopping this weekend to consider looking to the wonderful array of independent businesses here in Aberconwy for unique gifts or experiences for your loved ones.”
Janet Finch-Saunders AM is the Chair of the Cross Party Group on Small Shops in the National Assembly for Wales
A video of the transcript is available at www.senedd.tv
More information about Small Business Saturday is available at: https://smallbusinesssaturdayuk.com/