Tweet Have your say on the future of North Shore Beach, Llandudno / Dweud eich dweud am ddyfodol Traeth y Gogledd, Llandudno Save North Shore Beach / Achub Traeth y Gogledd Current Our Beach / Ein Traeth Your details Leave this field blank Should there be more sand on our beach? A ddylai fod mwy o dywod ar ein traeth? Delivering a few leaflets locally now and again Helping with office and admin tasks Making calls to voters and volunteers Joining our canvassing team to knock on doors Potentially standing to be a local Conservative Councillor Becoming a Digital Ambassador Should Conwy County Borough Council and Welsh Government put more rocks on our beach? A ddylai Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Conwy a Llywodraeth Cymru roi mwy o greigiau ar ein traeth? Yes / Dyla No / Na Many people find it easier to vote by post, guaranteeing their vote even if they are away or ill. Should Conwy County Borough Council and Welsh Government fund the return of sand to our beach? A ddylai Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Conwy a Llywodraeth Cymru dalu i roi tywod yn ôl ar ein traeth? Yes / Dyla No / Na Would you like to help our campaign to see sand returned? Hoffech chi helpu ein hymgyrch i weld tywod yn cael ei ddychwelyd? Yes / Bysa No / Na